
Česká membránová platforma
EUROMEMBRANE 2024EUROMEMBRANE 2024 - 2Publikace CZEMPZařízeníPlochaMembrána

UF/MF Membrane Water Treatment, Design & Optimization

23. září 2013 - 27. září 2013
Země konání: 
Místo konání: 
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The Water Treatment Academy (WTA) has joined with Membrane Consultancy Associates Ltd. to provide a
comprehensive assessed certification training program on UF/MF Membrane Water Treatment. The certification
program is organized into TWO stand-alone modules, each with 2 full teaching days, to offer training at an Intermediate and Advanced level. Each module of the course has a standard syllabus with detailed content updated and developed on an annual basis to ensure that the course content reflects the latest developments. The program is focusing on practical information on design and optimization of UF/MF membrane water plants. This program is aimed for engineers and project managers working at water treatment plant consultants and contractors.