
Česká membránová platforma
EUROMEMBRANE 2024EUROMEMBRANE 2024 - 2Publikace CZEMPZařízeníPlochaMembrána

Metals in Water - Health Protection and Sustainability Through Technical Innovation

06. listopad 2013 - 08. listopad 2013
Země konání: 
Místo konání: 
Shanghai, Cina

Water is one of the most precious resources for humans and wildlife. However, metals pollution, especially heavy metals, in water has arisen much concern in China and other countries in the world. The variety and complexity of metals, especially heavy metals, in water concern scientists, economists, policy specialists and stakeholders aiming working together to identify new approaches and solutions to protect human health. This conference will provide an excellent opportunity to bring together many distinguished researchers, engineers, policy makers and industry suppliers in related fields around the world to share the experiences on the strategies and technologies for controlling metal pollution, the advanced analytical methods for detecting metal pollution in water and its related media to protect human health.