
Czech Membrane Platform
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About Us

The Czech Membrane Platform (CZEMP) associates prominent experts and institutions centred on research, development, implementation and application of membrane operations in technological processes of broad spectrum of industry. Hence, the development of the founded Platform is a prerequisite for the interconnection of research and educational subjects with production sphere and other institutions, which are engaged in technologies aiming at a constantly sustainable growth of society.

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Origin History

CZEMP pursues the activity of Membrane Section of the Czech Society of Chemical Engineering (MS CSCHI), which developed a great initiative in the popularization of inland membrane field since the half nineties of the last century.

The Membrane Section became a professional association of specialists, comprising personalities of science, research and work experience. Their cooperation was a guarantee of high expertness, excellent quality and required technical as well as commercial objectivity.

Basic Mission

  • CZEMP interconnects activities of professional community, academic sphere, industrial producers or users of products and technologies in the membrane area
  • CZEMP ensures the transfer and stabilization of infobases concerning membrane topics and supports the education in the field
  • CZEMP promotes the coordination of activities of subjects acting in the area of research and development of membrane processes, pursuing programmes and both domestic and foreign financial resources
  • CZEMP supports and defends common interests of its members with the aim to popularize membrane topics and create a proper atmosphere for their development and stabilization


  • CZEMP seeks to a partnership between pivotal European and world organizations, engaged in membrane problems and joining prominent experts in the field
  • CZEMP systematically ensures and maintains a high-quality information concerning the scope level on a world scale and provides the information transfer and presentation of own results by websites, by the organization of topical workshops, meetings, conferences etc.
  • CZEMP supports the creation of contacts within ERA (European Research Area) in the field
  • CZEMP monitors and evaluates activities in the development of membrane technologies in the CR
  • CZEMP methodically follows the possibilities of resource acquisition in the CR, EU or in the world, utilizable for funding of the development of research and application of membrane technologies, particularly in the CR
  • CZEMP urges for engaging its members in the European or world project structures and in domestic projects of strategic problem development
  • CZEMP provides expertise for the authorities and agencies of state or self administration in fields associated with membrane issues
  • CZEMP gives appropriately publicity to activities associated with the development of membrane field abroad
  • CZEMP promotes the education in the field, particularly by the coordination of study and special courses
  • CZEMP communicates with the public and media

Future Vision

The Czech Membrane Platform (CZEMP) associates prominent experts and institutions centred on research, development, implementation and application of membrane operations in technological processes of broad spectrum of industry. The interconnection of the above-mentioned subjects will make possible their mutual professional cooperation based on perfect internal as well as European and world knowledge. The accelerated implementation of research results in the application sphere by the Platform members – industrial subjects – will be a driving moment for the development of both this and related fields.

A considerable attention is paid by the CZEMP to the support of the education and propagation of this branch, not only at the level within the administrated contact infobases, but particularly at the international level. The cooperation at the European level with the partnership organization EMH (European Membrane House) within the framework of ERA (European Research Area) activities ensures contacts and cooperation, providing access to the involvement of Czech subjects in the international research, developing and educational projects. The participation of the CZEMP members in the international conferences and workshops means also the presentation of professional activity and popularization of results on a world scale.