
Czech Membrane Platform
EUROMEMBRANE 2024EUROMEMBRANE 2024 - 2Publikace CZEMPZařízeníPlochaMembrána

Social programme

There are twol events organized during the Summer Membrane School. First is the trip to the view tower JEŠTĚD by the cable car with the Welcome dinner in the tower restaurant on Monday 22 June 2015.

Ještěd is a symbol of the Liberec Region with location at 1012 meters above sea level. It dominates the northern Bohemia. The Ještěd transmission tower earned for Karel Hubáček the prestigious award of the Perret prize. Thanks to its unique architecture became a national cultural monument and building of the century.

The second special closing dinner will take place in glassmakers tavern in Lindava on Thursday 25 June, 2015. The participants of the School will also have the opportunity to see the glassworks including the hotshop in AJETO Lindava. With a professional comment, they will have a unique chance to observe the hot fluid glass mass changing into the delicate beauty in hands of masters glassblowers. Those, who will not resist temptation, can even learn the work of glassmakers and - using the blowing pipe - make their first exclusive glass piece. 

Besides visiting its hotshop, the Ajeto Lindava glassworks invites you to visit a new attraction, i.e. the Ajeto Glass Tavern, situated close to the glassworks.